Cancer predisposition
genes and risk stats

Individuals can be at increased risk of cancer through a predisposition gene such as BRCA, ATM, PALB2 or many others. Or they can be at increased risk because of a strong family history of cancer.

  • 1 in 100 people carry the ATM gene mutation for increased risk of familial breast cancer
  • 1 in 225 people carry the BRCA2 gene mutation for increased risk of familial breast, ovarian or prostate cancer
  • 1 in 500 people carry the BRCA1 gene mutation for increased risk of familial breast and ovarian cancer

For a full list of cancer predisposition genes, population carrier frequency, visit the EviQ website.

Women who carry a BRCA gene mutation can have:

  • up to 72% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer and
  • up to 44% lifetime risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Men who carry a BRCA gene mutation can have:

  • Up to 4 times greater chance than then general population of developing prostate cancer and if it does occur, it is common to be a very aggressive type, and
  • a slightly higher lifetime risk of developing breast cancer.

Women who carry a ATM gene mutation can have:

    • Up to 52% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer

    For a full list of risk lifetime risk information for pathogenic variant carriers, visit the EviQ website.

    Genetic testing information and criteria link.