Financial planning for fertility treatment

06 Aug 2021

Fertility treatment can be expensive and can influence your decision-making. Speaking with your fertility specialist about Medicare rebates available to you is essential to ensure you are informed about the possible costs.

Medicare does help with fertility treatment in women who are embarking on cancer treatments that may make them infertile. The Medicare rebate is $3077 at the present day. Most fertility clinics have an Oncology Package and either bulk bill or have some out-of-pocket fees, but this will be less than the normal costs associated with IVF treatments.

If you have a health insurance provider, it is important to check with them as to what is covered.

Most health funds do not cover IVF/egg freezing/embryo freezing however they do cover Private Hospital fees.

You may be able to access your superannuation to pay. To do so, you will need to apply to the Australian Taxation Office. You will need to have seen a fertility specialist and have received a written costing for the fees. The form needs to be signed either by a psychologist or your specialist explaining why you need to urgently access your fund.

You can find the form and more information here:

You can also do this by using a third-party organisation such as Super Care or Access My Super. However, they do charge a fee of about $900.