For Health Professionals

This information is for specialists, GPs, nurses and genetic counsellors managing patients with a high-risk of hereditary cancer. 

Cancer predisposition genes and risk stats

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Trials and research for your high-risk patients to consider

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Resource, tools and information to support patients

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EviQ guide for health professionals ordering genetic testing 

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Educational Webinars

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EviQ GP referral guidelines

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For patients of Ashkenazi Jewish descent

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Downloadable resources for health professionals

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Support or collaborate with us

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It is important to discuss family cancer history with all patients

“My biggest piece of advice and my biggest lesson through this journey is to always, always, always trust your instincts – pressure your doctor, don’t take no for an answer and make sure you get the medical attention you need and deserve. I tell my girlfriends that it doesn’t matter the size of your breasts, your age, your family history even your health, breast cancer will find you if you don’t find it."
