Common Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer symptoms can vary for everyone, and some may not have any obvious signs, but here are the most common symptoms of breast cancer:

  • Lump or thickening in the breast or underarm area - often the first symptom of breast cancer, and it may feel like a hard/firm area of the breast. It is often painless.
  • Changes in the breast size or shape - may include swelling, redness (that lasts a while despite possible use of antibiotics), or skin irritation.
  • Nipple discharge - may be clear or blood-stained fluid that leaks from one or both nipples generally spontaneously (without pressing the nipple) and comes from a single nipple duct.
  • Inverted nipple - the nipple may turn inward instead of sticking out. This can be normal, however, any recent nipple inversion should be further investigated by your GP.
  • Changes in the breast’s skin texture - may include dimpling, puckering, or a rash on the nipple or surrounding breast area and may resemble the same texture as an orange peel (this is uncommon and usually presents with more advanced changes within the breast).
  • Swelling in all or part of the breast - may occur even if there is no distinct lump.

It’s critical to be vigilant about your breast health. Make sure you incorporate regular self-breast checks into your self-care routine and see your doctor immediately if you see or feel any unusual changes in your breasts. Early detection can lead to the best possible outcome.